When it comes to farming, having the right processes in place is key – especially when you’re working with some extreme conditions. There have been record temperatures in the summer and full-on frosts in the winter, causing many farmers to rethink how they care for their soil.
If you’re planning on streamlining your setup, introduce an advanced smart soil and fertilisation solution for a smooth and easy operation. Using allows you to combine biological farming with IoT to automate your fertiliser management system.


Finding the soil that matches the plants is only half the battle. It must be nurtured and properly fertilised, so a lot of research and trial and error is usually involved.

You’ll find the perfect team when you upgrade to automated smart fertilisation systems. This allows businesses to offload time-consuming, arduous jobs onto technologically advanced IoT robotics. Some of the reasons to swap out traditional methods for smart systems include:
Higher accuracy
Let’s face it, spending time managing soil fertilisation can be tiring and boring. This can lead to human error. Because soil sensors and other smart fertilisation solutions are programmed to carry out repetitive tasks at dedicated intervals, the mistakes caused by tedium and tiredness can be eliminated. Due to the way they function, they perform quickly and are consistently accurate.

Working with single-board setups like the allows you to connect soil sensors and other smart tech to organise your fertilisation setup. The board can be programmed to work to your schedule, producing accurate results.

Removing the risk of human error means you get the results you’re looking for at a consistently high standard. Better still, this is an efficient option that results in higher customer and client satisfaction levels. This, in turn, can boost your ROI – so it’s great for the bottom line.
Thanks to the boost in accuracy levels, you’re less likely to have to pay out for errors that occur. Also, after the initial cost of setting up your automated systems, you won’t have to cover the salary of someone to be responsible for providing soil fertility solutions. This frees up cash for other areas of the business.
Growth opportunities
Adding smart soil sensors and fertilisation systems to your business creates opportunities to increase your agricultural output by ensuring you’re operating at maximum potential. It’s soil you need to grow your business and profitability.

But this isn’t doing away with your employees. Instead, it frees them up for other roles and opportunities within your operation, giving them the chance to train up in other parts of the company that require a human at the helm.
Year-round offering
It’s the nature of agriculture that you’re working with the seasons. But using smart precision farming systems and technologies can mean tasks that usually take up several months can be carried out in less time. You can then be more flexible about timings across your business and offer crops and produce outside of the timescales you’re used to.


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